About Us
Pizzeria Maximilian
Pizza is a dish made from few ingredients and yet so popular that the recipe resonated around the world. There is no metropolis where you will not come across a good pizza. It has always been popular at family and friendly gatherings where it disappears piece by piece in just a few minutes. What's the secret?
Maximilian knows that it is important to make a good dough, thin, fresh, crispy, from real Italian flour. Every pizza master will tell you that. Also, a selection of fresh ingredients like mozzarella, gorgonzola, basil, prosciutto, and tomatoes will add an original flavor. However, the most important ingredient is love. From the beginning of making the dough, through baking to the moment when the pizza is on your table, we have interspersed every step with love and it is felt at the first bite.
Come, try it, be our guests.
Italian flour

In making Maximilian pizza, we use the highest quality Caputo flour, without additives and artificial enzymes. This flour, originally from Naples, is purposely made for the production of pizza dough. The tradition in making is reflected in the slow grinding of cereals, which contributes to the authentic taste.
Fresh ingredients

The delicious pizza is a harmony between good dough and fresh ingredients. Nothing better than a combination of olive oil, tomatoes and mozzarella that melts in the oven, spreading scents that whet the appetite. The combinations are numerous and easily find their way to every gourmet.
Pizza masters

Finding the right measure in making pizza is a real skill. Our pizza masters, who are passionate about their work, have made an effort to design and test unique recipes that you will enjoy immensely. Don't take our word for it, but come and try one of the Maximilian pizzas. You won't be disappointed.